Evil Does Not Exist Film Review

Evil Does Not Exist Film Review

Evil Does Not Exist Film Review

I was able to catch Evil Does Not Exist, the latest from Ryusuke Hamaguchi (Drive My Car) on the festival circuit in the fall, but unfortunately, the release thereafter has been extremely limited. Keep scrolling for the complete Evil Does Not Exist Film Review.

While not without its flaws, I honestly enjoyed it more than Drive My Car, which obviously took home Best International Feature at the Academy Awards after it came out.

To me, Evil Does Not Exist is as much of a meditation as it is a “movie.” While there are clear thematic statements, Hamaguchi doesn’t hit the audience over the head with them. We’re mostly just spending time as observers of both humans and nature.

Also… the ending is wild (read: controversial), but it really worked for me.

That being said, it’s not a perfect film. It’s quite slow (intentionally, of course), and not everything is wrapped up neatly for the audience. Still, it’s definitely worth a watch. Hopefully, it gets a wider release sometime soon!

I went into more detail in my full video review below:

And written review here

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